Friday, February 29, 2008

5 Ways To Make Your Life Miserable

1. STRIVE TO BE PERFECT : Remind yourself at every occasion that you've got to get this perfectly right Mohammed or you will never be approved of/loved/included or respected. That sounds like a fun way of going about things.

2. COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS : By judging yourself and others, you'll either get to feel smug or crap (but how often will you really allow yourself to feel smug?)

3. MAKE HAPPINESS CONDITIONAL : Constantly tell yourself and others:'I'll be happy when.....I'mthinner/richer/more successful" etc. You're putting your happinesson hold and living in fantasy land.

4. TRY TO PROVE THAT YOU'RE SOMEONE : By pretending to be someone you're not what you actually are. A great strategy for constantly proving to yourself that you're not good enough as you are.

5. SPEND ALL YOUR TIME AND ENERGY TRYING TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE HAPPY : Some of the time perhaps? But notice how much energy you spend focussing on other people's lives - mind your own business!

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